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Building Bridges: Supporting Both Foster Parents And Birth Parents

  • Date: August 21, 2024
  • Time: 01:00 PM
  • Cost: $FREE
  • Hours: 2
  • Location: Online, Zoom
  • Instructor: NYSPCC Training Institute

Register via Zoom


The primary objective of foster care is reunification. Managing the relationship between foster and birth parents is crucial in achieving this goal. This course is designed to equip foster care staff with best practices for effectively supporting and collaborating with both foster and birth parents. Participants will learn strategies to enhance support for all parties involved in the care of foster children, including the complexities inherent in these relationships. Additionally, the course aims to foster strong, collaborative relationships among the foster child, foster parents, and birth parents.

To attend, please register via Zoom at-

CEU Approved training NYS licensed social work professionals for 2.0 Continuing Education Units (CEU credits)


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Donating $5,000 provides six months of Therapeutic Supervised Visitation services, including family counseling and education, to help a vulnerable family develop healthy, nurturing relationships.
