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Current Research
The NYSPCC uses a standardized assessment and clinical observations to measure client outcomes for the Trauma Recovery Program. Assessments are measured at intake and again every three months until termination of treatment. The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children; Trauma Symptom Inventory identifies acute symptoms and reactions that are related to experiencing trauma. Data from the standardized assessments and treatment plans are analyzed at regular intervals to monitor program effectiveness.
Find Out MoreNearly 9 Out Of 10 Parents Want Schools To Do Much More To Educate Kids About Internet Safety Risks
A new nationwide study conducted by The NYSPCC in 2022, reveals there is a high level of support for schools to play a more significant role in educating children about the risks associated with use of the internet. This report presents the key findings of a national survey of the U.S. adult population about topics related to internet safety and risks to children. Overall, 511 parents with children younger than age 18 were interviewed. The research was sponsored by The NYSPCC whose mission is to help prevent child abuse through its work with parents, teachers, children, and foster care agencies.
Public Perceptions of the Sexual Exploitation of Children
There Were 70 Million Images and Videos of Child Pornography Reported to Authorities Last Year – A Major Crisis, Given Increased Time Children Now Spend Online Due to COVID, According to Report by The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Children
This report presents the key findings of a national survey of the U.S. adult population about topics related to the sexual exploitations of children. Overall, 1,000 U.S. adults were interviewed. The research was sponsored by The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC).
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Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Program
The NYSPCC uses a combination of standardized assessments, client interviews, and clinical observations to measure client outcomes for the Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Program. The Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI) a standardized measure developed by Bavolek and Keene, is administered to visiting parents at the beginning of services and again after the completion of Parent Education (corresponding to the completion of 12 visits). The AAPI assesses parenting strengths and weaknesses in the domains of developmentally appropriate expectations of children, empathy for children’s needs and feelings, beliefs related to the reversal of typical parent and child roles within the family, beliefs related to the value and use of corporal punishment, and oppression of children’s power and independence.
Before each visit, clinicians work collaboratively with visiting parents to determine the parenting skills to be focused on during the visit with their children. The parenting skills reflect six different domains that address a holistic approach to effective parenting. Goals include: re-engagement, safety, expectations of children, communication, structure, and healing. At case closure, interviews are conducted with custodial and visiting parents to assess child support arrangements, reason for case closure, services utilized, and experience of safety during visitation. Follow-up interviews are conducted with custodial and visiting parents three months after case closure to assess the current visitation arrangement.
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Trauma Recovery Program
The NYSPCC uses a standardized assessment and clinical observations to measure client outcomes for the Trauma Recovery Program. Assessments are measured at intake and again every three months until termination of treatment. The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children; Trauma Symptom Inventory identifies acute symptoms and reactions that are related to experiencing trauma.
Treatment plans are completed at intake and again every three months until termination of treatment. Data from the standardized assessments and treatment plans are analyzed at regular intervals to monitor program effectiveness.
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Crisis Debriefing Program
The NYSPCC administers an evaluation survey that is completed by participants that complete Crisis Debriefing sessions. The survey was designed to elicit participants’ feedback in the following areas based on their experiences in the session: ability to identify their personal stress reactions, degree of safety that they experienced regarding expressing their feelings in the session, future utilization of stress management techniques taught in the session, encouraging fellow staff members to attend a future session, and the helpfulness of The NYSPCC clinicians in addressing their particular stress concerns.
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Client Satisfaction
The NYSPCC is dedicated to ensuring that all clients have a safe, positive experience while receiving services at the agency. In order to gain insight from clients about their experiences and continue to improve programming, The NYSPCC holds a Client Satisfaction Week annually. During this week, clients voluntarily complete a Client Satisfaction Survey through which they can provide confidential feedback on the extent to which they felt listened to, respected, and safe, as well as whether they felt like they were helped by the services at The NYSPCC. Data from the Client Satisfaction Surveys are compiled and reviewed with all agency staff, and improvements are made based on client feedback.
Below are some of the results from The NYSPCC’s Client Satisfaction Surveys completed by clients in 2019:
I feel my worker listened to me (or my children).
My worker helped me (or my children) identify goals.
My worker helped me (or my children) achieve my goals.
Overall, my worker met my (or my children’s) needs.
I feel The NYSPCC helped me (or my children).
I felt that my safety was a priority at The NYSPCC.
My culture was respected at The NYSPCC.
I would recommend The NYSPCC.